Pad Pad Thai

Inspired by the Thai dipping sauce from Two Tribes & Devil Dog Sauce we whipped up our take on this classic dish.

What you need ...
1 tablespoon of two tribes hot sauce
1 tablespoon of Rice vinegar
1 tablespoon of tamarind paste/ketchup alternative
1 tbsp of fish sauce
1 tbsp of soy sauce
1 teaspoon of honey
3 garlic cloves
knob of fresh ginger
2 carrots
1 pepper
300 or so grams of protein (chicken, prawns or tofu)
200 grams of rice noodles
1 Lime 
bunch of peanuts (small bag)
2 spring onions
1 large egg
1 bunch of fresh coriander
1 chilli
  • Cook the rice noodles first and toss them in cold water and add a little oil to stop them from sticking.
  • Chop the garlic, ginger and spring onions.
  • Slice the carrots and peppers into thin strips (tip use a peeler to shave the carrot into thin layers).
  • Mix the rice vinegar, fish sauce, honey, soy sauce, two tribes dipping sauce and tamarind/ketchup as alternative.
  • Crack the large egg into a bowl.
  • Heat a wok with a little oil and add the garlic, ginger and spring onions.
  • Add in the protein and fry until cooked.
  • Add the egg, sauce and noodles into the wok.stir and add the peanuts, coriander and juice of lime.